Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Many Heart Patients Lack Knowledge Of Heart Attack Signs

Phoenix (ChattahBox) - A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has revealed that nearly 50% of heart patients lack knowledge of heart attack signs and symptoms.

The new study was carried out by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco.

They surveyed 3,500 people who all had a history of heart problems, and were at an increased risk of a future cardiac event such as a heart attack.

They were asked questions about their knowledge of their own risk, heart attack symptoms, etc.
Out fo the entire group, 44% were rated at a very low knowledge level across the baord, with the majority not even knowing they had an increased risk of having a cardiac event such as a heart attack.

How To Keep Your Skin Healthy And Avoid Skin Cancer

Orlando (ChattahBox) - The summer is here, and with that the sun is hotter than ever, increasing the risk for developing skin cancer. New recommendations have been released to help people maintain healthy skin, avoiding skin cancer.

The American Academy of Dermatology has stated there are 1 million new cases of skin cancer each year, with 75% of non-melanoma cases caused by exposure to the sun.

Tips have been revealed to help deal with this and keep your skin healthy, including using water-resistant sunscreen which has an SPD of 15 or higher to protect from UVA and UBA rays.
This should be used on danger areas not covered such as your ears, neck, lower legs, feet, hands, and face.

Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before going in the sun, and every 2 hours after.
The survival rate for skin cancer is quite high at 95%, but it is important to note that it does take the life of over 10,000 people each year.

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Las Lomas Water Tainted With High Mercury Levels

Boston (ChattahBox) - Residents in Las Lomas are being told to not use their drinking water for any reason due to high levels of mercury found in the water supply.

The water supply was tainted and found to have high levels of mercury after one of the water tanks was vandalized over the weekend. 3,000 residents have already been notified about the tainted drinking water.

The California Water Service Company has come out and stated that not under any circumstances should the water be used until further notice.
In investigation is ongoing to see how the water tank was vandalized over the weekend.
High levels of mercury in drinking water poses a major health risk to adults, including cardiovascular disease and neurological symptoms.